Subscribe to our monthly "Children's Church" e-news to stay up to date with the latest in children's ministry at FPC!
We've got a guide for parents with children in worship! Let the suggestions contained in this guide help you to relax and appreciate the children who are present. The kin-dom of Heaven belongs to each and every one of us!
Physical copies of this guide can be found in the Narthex or you can click the "children in worship" button for a digital copy! |
If your little ones become regular visitors to Sunday School, Worship, or the Nursery, we ask that you fill out the Child Ministry Form.
Children's Music
Our children's choir meets on Wednesdays at 5:00pm for children of all ages! Children's choir meets in the Children Classroom which is the middle room across the hall from the restrooms on the lower floor classroom wing. A volunteer will be at the nursery door to let families inside. The nursery door is located on Washington Street by the playground gate furthest away from the backdoor awning. All children are welcome to join us at any time! Ask Director of Music & Worship Arts Mark Fiddie questions at [email protected] or at 770-786-7321. |
Sunday School
Sunday School is at 9:45am on Sunday mornings in the Children's Classroom. We invite you to join us each week to hear bible stories with our rotation of teachers. The Children's Classroom is on the lower floor classroom wing, between the Nursery and the Children's Music Room. This class if intended for children PreK-4th grade. For older children, please visit our Youth Ministry page HERE. |
Children are always welcome to wiggle and giggle in the pews at FPC! There are Worship Bags for children on the rack outside the Sanctuary. During worship children are invited to join us at the front of the Sanctuary for a time of Wondering with God’s Children. Afterwards, children planning to go to the Nursery will be escorted downstairs by Pastor Neeley or Pastor Erin. They will sign in your children in the Nursery so you can sign them out when you pick them up! This is to help you stay in worship and us get them to the Nursery safely. If you need help finding the Nursery, you are invited to ask an usher to point the way. |
Acolyte Ministry
Our children are invited to participate in our acolyte ministry! 2nd grade children and up may participate at our "light-bearers" in worship! Click Here for our handbook! FPC Kids Ushers
On the first Sunday of each month, two children ushers will assist with ushering before worship! K-1st grade: Parents are present for the supervision of their child at all times. 2nd grade and up: parents do not need to be present. Talk to Erin if you have any questions! |
1169 Clark Street SW
Covington, GA 30014 770.786.7321 |
Copyright © First Presbyterian Church, Covington GA . All rights reserved.
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