Grief Small Group:
Tear Soup "A Recipe for Healing"
We will resume Grief Small Group Fall 2021.
"Soup making is an art, and the cook is the artist. Improvising as you go, your only goal is that the blended creation will both satisfy your hunger and soothe what hurts you. What is true about soup making, is also true about grieving. Tear Soup is about a woman named Grandy who has experienced loss, and so she is cooking up her own unique batch of "tear soup." Our FPC Pastoral Care Team wants to provide a space for us all to create our own batches of "Tear Soup" as we grieve various experiences of loss in our lives. Tear Soup provides cooking tips to use in dealing with grief if you are the cook, if your friend is the cook, if a child is the cook, if you are longing to cook with another, and/or if you just want to share in the recipes."
Tear Soup "A Recipe for Healing"
We will resume Grief Small Group Fall 2021.
"Soup making is an art, and the cook is the artist. Improvising as you go, your only goal is that the blended creation will both satisfy your hunger and soothe what hurts you. What is true about soup making, is also true about grieving. Tear Soup is about a woman named Grandy who has experienced loss, and so she is cooking up her own unique batch of "tear soup." Our FPC Pastoral Care Team wants to provide a space for us all to create our own batches of "Tear Soup" as we grieve various experiences of loss in our lives. Tear Soup provides cooking tips to use in dealing with grief if you are the cook, if your friend is the cook, if a child is the cook, if you are longing to cook with another, and/or if you just want to share in the recipes."