Sunday Worship
Join us at 11:00am in person or on Facebook Live for worship. Seeking: Honest Questions for a Deeper Faith | Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity, Rev. Lauren Wright PIttman, Hannah Garrity, Rev. Sarah A. Speed, Rev. Anna Strickland | A Sanctified Art LLC |
Click the button below for a digital edition of this devotional.
This Lenten season, we will read many stories of Jesus encountering people who are seeking: a new beginning, a different life, a deeper faith. In these interactions, an unveiling often occurs—assumptions are disrupted, a new perspective is revealed, mystery grows.
And so, we’ve crafted a Lenten series founded on questions. Many of our weekly questions feel restorative (“Can these bones live?”). Some feel like a charge or challenge (“Who will you listen to?”). Some questions are hopeful and curious (“How do we begin again?”). Our questions won't necessarily lead to answers, but they can help us find clarity and a new perspective. Ultimately, we pray they lead to a new beginning, a restoration, a wider grace. Like the characters in our Lenten scriptures, we are also seeking many things: clarity, connection, wonder, justice, balance. We are seeking our calling, the sacred, and how to live as a disciple. We hope this devotional will help you unpack some of your big questions in ways that are honest and faithful. We encourage you to journey through these weekly readings and reflections at your own pace, asking yourself often: what am I seeking? What is God seeking?
This Lent, may you engage in the spiritual practice of seeking by asking questions, and by staying curious, open, and nimble. We hope you will soften your assumptions and expand your perspectives. We pray that these questions will create a safe space to explore—to be drawn more deeply into the fullness of life, into the heart of God. Artfully yours, The Sanctified Art Creative Team |
A more traditional devotional is available in the narthex
Lenten Book Study:
Were You There? Join Neeley and Erin on Zoom for a Lenten book study on Were You There?: Lenten Reflections on the Spirituals by Luke A. Powery. Monday Evenings in March at 6:00pm Contact the office if you'd like to order your book through the church. |
If you would like to make a donation this Easter to honor or memorialize a loved one, fill out the form and attach a check made out to FPC and place it in the offering plate or drop it off at the church office. Please put “lilies” or “Easter Witness” in the memo space on your check or envelope. Donations can also be made via Text to Give, by texting FPCCOV to: 73256 or by clicking HERE.
Please email [email protected] with your “in memory” and “in honor” details if you use Text to Give. The deadline is Sunday, April 2nd and a minimum donation of $12 is suggested. Donations we collect over the cost of the flowers will fund witness and outreach projects. Thank you! |
1169 Clark Street SW
Covington, GA 30014 770.786.7321 |
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