"Thornwell's foster care program, residential program, and family & educational support programs offer homes that are safe & loving, hope for a brighter future, and wholeness & healing. We serve children and families throughout Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina."
The congregation as a whole supports Thornwell Home for Children in a variety of ways throughout the year. Also, Presbyterian Women of Covington lend specific support to Ferguson Cottage. This cottage is home to 8 boys ages 6- 12 years. This loving home changes the lives of children who have never experienced a home environment of love, nurturing, faith, or caring. Miracles happen here every day through the dedication of Family House Parents and Counselors who give pure love.
The Community Food Pantry provides food to eligible needy applicants in the Covington area.
For many years the Food Pantry was housed by our church, and sponsored by the Newton County Ministers' Union. In 2009, it was moved next door to FaithWorks in a building owned by the City of Covington. Consider making a donation of food, volunteering at the Pantry (receiving, shelving, packaging, distributing, shopping) or participating in the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for elderly and needy citizens. For more information about FPC's outreach and mission, please contact the church office at 770-786-7321. |
"...faith apart from works is dead."
(James 2:26) |
FaithWorks was founded by a consortium of area churches in order to combine resources to assist needy Newton County residents with emergency financial resources for housing and/or utilities. FaithWorks is funded by 39 local churches, corporations, and individuals.
You can help by volunteering to serve at the FaithWorks office, or by donating funds. Click here for a map to FaithWorks. |
1169 Clark Street SW
Covington, GA 30014 770.786.7321 |
Copyright © First Presbyterian Church, Covington GA . All rights reserved.
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