Narrative Budget for 2023A Narrative Budget tells the story of how our church practices good stewardship of the gifts entrusted to us. It provides a vision of where our church hopes to be in the coming budget cycle.
Click below to view a PDF of our Narrative Budget and learn all about what you will be contributing to when you share your every perfect gift with FPCC this year! |
I find great joy when given the opportunity to use the skills with which God has blessed me. This includes Singing and Group Leadership.
My membership in Church choirs from the age of nine, in many different places, has also included choral training. Today, at FPC, my main aims are to have the soprano section well represented, (Thankfully, the days are gone when there were just two of us!) and to sing with joy any soprano solo I’m asked to sing.
When I was 14 years old, someone put me in charge of recreation at Vacation Bible School (VBS). I wonder how that happened. I doubt a session meeting was called. Maybe, there were not enough volunteers.
The transfer of power was quick. That first day I went to the playground and found a dozen kids waiting for me. I did not panic. I did what any teenager would have done: I organized loose games.
I supervised kickball games where fifth graders punted balls into the church's brick walls and glass windows. When I played dodgeball with third graders, they were so revved up I could not stop them. Dodgeball continued through snack time (and on into Bible study and music, I’m sure). I organized a water balloon fight that was fun until I was left picking up balloon pieces.
I was lucky that first year. The church suffered no broken windows. Kids inevitably injured during dodgeball vowed revenge against their friends instead of complaining to parents. However, I was told, “Please give parents a day’s notice before the next water balloon fight.”
Those early days leading recreation were reckless, wild, and fun. I had so much fun I came back and led recreation again and again. Over the years, I’ve become much safer. (These days I reserve dodgeball for fourth and fifth graders on VBS’s last day.)
Looking back, I only can conclude that whoever put me in charge knew what they were doing. Someone must have seen something in me to entrust that much responsibility to a teenager. Leading recreation connected me to my church and provided a positive experience working with children.
Sometimes God calls you before you are ready. Sometimes He entrusts you with a responsibility for which you are not prepared.
How can you respond to His call? Sincerely,
FPC Covington has been my church family for 30 years. You all - and the many dearly departed saints of the church - have been the family that helped raise my children in the faith, and today are helping to raise my grandchildren as well. As Sam Hay, Jr. used to say, you all have been there to "prop us up in our leanin' places" and to encourage us to become part of God's beloved kin-dom here on earth. In short, you have been God's grace incarnate in our lives and I will be forever grateful.
And of course, each year we make a commitment for financial giving to support the work of our talented staff and volunteers. This commitment is important because it gives our Session a basis upon which to set a budget for the coming year so that we can do more good work together. I hope you will consider doing the same. Get involved. Make a financial commitment. See the fruits of the Spirit flourish in your lives and the lives of our neighbors!
Grace & peace,
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1169 Clark Street SW
Covington, GA 30014 770.786.7321 |
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