Please consider adding Meals on Wheels distribution to your calendar "to do" list. Pencil us in on the last Saturday of the month. We meet at the church and deliver to the Covington High Rise apartments. It only takes about an hour and all help is sincerely appreciated.
Blood Drive*
Community Food Pantry*
Special Projects*
Christmas Charities/Angel Tree*
Change the World Day*
Sandwich Ministry
Sandwich Ministry! On the third Tuesday of the month we meet at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall, where we make sandwiches for our neighbors in Christ experiencing homelessness in collaboration with Street Outreach!
Blossoms & Beans*
Worship Team
Oversee Acolytes
Tech Team
Pew Cleanup
Chancel Choir
Carillon Handbell Choir
Joyful Noise/Hallelujah Kids!
Setup for Communion
Liturgical Arts Guild
Play a Musical Instrument
Worship Team
Oversee Acolytes
Tech Team
Pew Cleanup
Chancel Choir
Carillon Handbell Choir
Joyful Noise/Hallelujah Kids!
Setup for Communion
Liturgical Arts Guild
Play a Musical Instrument
Faith Formation Team
Sunday School Teacher
VBS/Summer Activity Volunteer
Belief and Beer
Small group study
Nursery Shepherd
Organize Children's Worship Bags
Help plan young adult activities
Volunteer in the nursery
Faith Formation Team
Sunday School Teacher
Children Youth Foundations WiredWORD
VBS/Summer Activity Volunteer
Belief and Beer
Small group study
Nursery Shepherd
Organize Children's Worship Bags
Help plan young adult activities
Volunteer in the nursery
serve on welcoming reach out to visitors greeter on sunday mornings assist with updating of member list and/or pictorial directory
Serve on the finance and stewardship team assist wit making church deposits serve on the stewardship committee serve on the endowment committee assist with annual stewardship drive serve on the audit team serve on the earth care team
serve on the pastoral care team assist with pastoral care visits and at home communion follow up with those on the prayer list help with funerals prayer shawl team
serve on the faith and fellowship team lemonade on the lawn church fellowship meals help with funeral meals
serve on the facilities and grounds team assist with repairs of church building (minor) assist on scheduled work days for cleanup and general maintenance of building assist with the garden assist with the park
serve on the strategic planning team serve on the personnel team serve on nominating committee office volunteer -answer phones -prepare newsletter -prepare mailings/printing other talents non-fpcc community involvement