What does offering my Time & Talents mean?
This is primarily a social ministry! Offering your Time & Talent here just means you’d like to join in! The next meeting will be at The Village Grille at Ashton Hills on November 1st at 11:30am. We ask that you RSVP to the office so we can be sure to get a big enough table! |
Serve on the Pastoral Care TeamThe Pastoral Care Team falls under the diaconate, which means you'll be working with our lovely deacons! The deacons who will be running Pastoral Care in 2024 are Tom Crews and Janet Carmichael with designated staff member Senior Pastor Neeley Rentz Lane!
Pastoral Care falls under the "connecting" branch of our core values which states "we believe that we are part of the church universal that rejoices in all of God's children and celebrates the difference among us." This is often expressed by Pastoral Care in coming together to make spaces where people can simply connect in a revitalizing setting. |
What does offering my Time & Talent mean?
The “beer” of Belief & Beer is by no means required (it’s mainly for alliteration) but the “belief” behind your words during the discussion is very much encouraged! This is primarily a social ministry! Offering your Time & Talent here just means you’d like to join in. The next meeting will be at The Social Goat on October 24th at 5:30pm. Drop the kids off at the church and head over to join in. |
Serve on the Faith Formation TeamThe Faith Formation Team is part of session! In 2024 you'll be working with Elders Mary Catherine Whisnant and Charles Ardis with designated staff member Associate Pastor Erin Morgan!
Faith Formation falls under the "engaging" branch of our core values which states "we believe in the engagement of all of God's children, both inside and outside the church, through their own spiritual gifts as we continue to grow." This is often expressed by Faith Formation Team organizing occasions to gather for Christian Education such as book clubs, panel talks, children’s activities, Bible studies and more! |
What is it?
Change the World Day is an annual community event of education, service, fun, food, fall festival and fellowship hosted by Covington First United Methodist Church! Our Witness Team will have a booth to let us reach out and connect to people in our community of all ages! Click the button below to see the flyer of events from FUMC! This year it is just a few weeks away! There is still time to join the fun on Saturday, October 21 from 10:00am-1:00pm. |
Serve on the Witness TeamThe Witness Team is part of session! In 2024 you'll be working with Elders Curtis Watson and Luke Usry with designated staff member Associate Pastor Erin Morgan!
Witness falls under the "reaching out" branch of our core values which states "we believe the work of the church is to "act justly," "love mercy," and "walk humbly" with God. As servants, we care for strangers, heal the sick, feed the hungry, help the oppressed, and share the Gospel." This is often expressed by Witness finding ways in the community to reach out and volunteer a helping hand in the name of the Lord. |
What is it?
Liturgists are help lead worship! At the most basic level, liturgists will read prayers or scripture through a microphone in the sanctuary.At FPC liturgist will sometimes participate in more creative ways such as acting out scripture with some “reader’s theater,” reading in other languages they may already know, or leading the church with with interactive elements! What would offering my Time & Talent mean?
Liturgists are contacted by Neeley or Erin to help lead when they have an idea for the week’s worship experience or if we will have a smaller worship staff than usual. You’ll be given the reading at the beginning of the week to look over. Don’t worry you won’t have to memorize it! It will be printed in the worship guide to look at throughout your time leading as a liturgist! |
The Worship Team is part of session! In 2024 you'll be working with Elders Pat Harper and Nichole Howell with designated staff member Senior Pastor Neeley Rentz Lane! The Director of Music and Worship Arts, once hired, will also be a designated staff member for the Worship Team.
Worship falls under the "engaging" branch of our core values which states "we believe in the engagement of all of God's children, both inside and outside the church, through their own spiritual gifts as we continue to grow." This is often expressed by Worship by creating a worship experience to honor and glorify the gifts of God in our church family. |
What is it?
The Men’s Prayer Breakfast is an opportunity for the men of FPC to come together and connect through fellowship over a wonderful breakfast at local favorite Town House Café! Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets once a month on a Saturday at 8:00am. What would offering my Time & Talen mean?
This is primarily a social ministry! Offering your Time & Talent here just means you’d like to join in! Neeley typically contacts a monthly leader to foster conversation over breakfast (in October its Dan Walden) but everyone else is invited to just come and enjoy the company! |
Campfire ChurchWhat is it?
Campfire Church is a wonderful way we to gather for s'more and/or hotdogs, sing campfire songs in fellowship, and connect with devotionals on our FPC playground. Campfire Church usually takes place 3-4 times a year on a Sunday around 5:00pm. What would offering my Time & Talent mean?
To make Campfire Church happen we need helping hands who can move chairs and/or sound equipment to the playground, gather supplies (with reimbursement), setup and start the campfire, keep eyes on kids (and adults) to make sure no one gets too close for comfort, and help cook in the FPC kitchen. Remember selecting something on your Time & Talent doesn't require you to do everything listed here! It just lets us know who might be interested in helping when we start reaching out for volunteers.
Serve on the Faith & Fellowship TeamThe Faith & Fellowship Team part of the diaconate, which means you'll be working with our lovely deacons! The deacons who will be running Faith & Fellowship in 2024 are Darcel Tabb and Dana Hall with designated staff member Senior Pastor Neeley Rentz Lane!
Faith & Fellowship falls under the "connecting" branch of our core values which states "we believe that we are part of the church universal that rejoices in all of God's children and celebrates the difference among us." This is often expressed by Faith & Fellowship in coming together to make spaces where people can simply connect in a social setting. |
What is it?
From the worship guide: In each pew there is a pad with a black cover that we invite everyone to fill out. If the Friendship Register is nearest to you, please fill it out and pass it down the pew so it can reach everyone. When you pass it on, we invite you to introduce yourself to your pew friends! We encourage visitors and newcomers to connect with us by filling out the Friendship Register so we can be sure to send you a message to thank you for joining us. |
Serve on the Welcome TeamThe Welcome Team is part of session! In 2024 you'll be working with Elder Doug Bolton with designated staff members Senior Pastor Neeley Rentz Lane and Director of Communications and Operations Catherine Laster!
Welcome falls under the "belonging" branch of our core values which states "we believe in celebrating everyone's journey as we share compassion, acceptance, and love for one another." This is often expressed by Welcome in finding ways to make newcomers feel a sense of love and belonging in our church family from the moment they meet us. |